Methodical “spirits” of the online media literacy training "Be in trend: MIG online!": A practical guide


Methodical “spirits” of online media literacy training "Be in trend: MIG in online!": A practical guide / Ivanova T., Izbash S. / under the general edition of V. Ivanov., Kyiv: Academy of the Ukrainian Press, Center for Free Press, 2020. 96 p.

ISBN 978-617-7370-23-8

Despite all the controversy and debate over the advantages and disadvantages of online learning, it is well known that online and offline education will now "go hand in hand" and complement each other. But today the online learning methodology is poorly developed. Автори цього посібнику спробували вирішити цю проблему. Offering innovative forms and methods of interactive involvement of training participants in the formation of media literacy and critical thinking skills, the authors invite them to master interesting and informative online platforms and services such as Kahoot, interactive whiteboards Padlet and Jamboard, Mentimeter, and others. The authors reveal the training program on the basics of media literacy in the online format through interesting role-playing games, quizzes and tests, quests and group projects, exercises, and cases. It is this technique that turns the training process into a truly interactive immersion, engagement, and dialogue.

The manual is designed for media literacy trainers, as well as teachers and educators incorporating media education and critical consumption skills into the learning process.
