News Programs of the Leading TV Channels in February: Frost, Disasters and Conflicts Prevail


Analysis of the news programs of eight leading Ukrainian TV channels in February 2012 demonstrated the following:

First, 2010-2011 trend towards depolitization of news programs further continues. Compared to 2002-2009, news programs became significantly less political by nature. At the beginning of the year of Parliamentary elections only every fifth news message is related to politics and the topic of 2012 elections is left uncovered. The attention is focused on weather whims and resulting negative consequences in public utility sector and safety of roads and cities’ streets, as well as on conflict relations with Russia. During the first week of February only every fifth message in the news programs was related to political events in Ukraine (practically the same situation was also observed during the same period back in 2011). The largest share of political news was at TVi (37%) and UT-1 (28%). Channel 1+1 traditionally prefers other news on events in Ukraine (their share in February was 61%), while the share of “other news” is the lowest at TVi (22%). International political events related to Ukraine have the largest coverage at TVi (13%) and ICTV (10%). Also interesting is the fact that the topic of economy and finance in news programs is paid less attention than the topic of accidents and disasters (12% vs. 18%). Basically, two types of events dominated in news programs in February: natural disasters/accidents and frost/bad weather. Tension in bilateral relations between Russia and Ukraine, including gas and cheese related problems, in total accounts just for 10% of mentioned events. 2012 elections were mentioned only in the context of other events (2%), i.e. this topic has never been a major event. Tape scandal in Ukrainian Parliament has not become a high profile incident, as information about it is on the same level with messages on forthcoming Euro 2012 Football Cup (2%). The same level of coverage was for President Yanukovych speech in Parliament. Just as in Sept. 2011, TV channels’ attention to reforms is minimal (1%); the same refers to the election of a new Ombudsman (2%).

Second, the trend of significant variability between the channels with regard to presentation of two alternative opinions on events has preserved. As previously, UT-1 is a negative leader in this respect, where only 8% of messages also provided an alternative point of view. ICTV also ranks low by this criterion. Positive leaders are TVi (32%), Inter (28%), and TRC “Ukrayna” (26%). The lowest share of news messages on political events through presentation of just one point of view was at Novy Kanal (18%) and Inter (30%), while the largest share of such news messages was at UT-1 (89%) and 1+1 (76%). In February, 16 major events were presented in news programs from alternative points of view (in Sept. 2011 – 13 events). In addition, 92% of news messages on tape scandal in the Parliament, 75% of news messages on new Criminal Code, and 55% of messages on Yuliya Tymoshenko case were presented from the alternative points of view.

Third, another trend confirmed in February is related to the fact that on all TV channels the distribution of attention and soundbite in news programs is in favor of representatives of state power and ruling coalition. As previously, the least balanced distribution of attention and soundbite is at UT-1; more balanced – at TVi, СТB, and TRC “Ukrayna”.

Overall, 63% of all references to politicians are related to the representatives of state power and ruling coalition, 29% - to opposition and 8% - to other politicians (in October 2011, these indicators were 67%, 27%, 7% accordingly). In February representatives of ruling coalition and state power were most often mentioned on UT-1 (80%), and opposition politicians – on TVi (40%). Other politicians in February were most often mentioned on CTB (17%) and Inter – 16%.

As for soundbite/sync, representatives of ruling power account for 65%, opposition - 25%, and other politicians - 10% (in September 2011 these indicators were 76%, 14%, 10% accordingly). Direct speech of representatives of state power and ruling coalition on UT-1 constituted 86% (in September 2011 - 98%). Representatives of opposition received the largest share of soundbite/sync on TVi (40%), CTB (36%) and TRC “Ukrayna” (35%).

In addition, new trends were revealed. Conflict related/argumentative context of events’ discussion constituted 55% and is the largest for the last years. The highest argumentative context of events’ discussion was on CTB (66%) and TVi – 65%. The lowest conflict related/argumentative context in February was observed on UT-1 (35%). In negative context events were most often presented on ICTV (11%), Inter and TRC “Ukrayna”– 10% each.

Attention to political parties, political persons and political parties is nearly the same as in October last year: 16%, 41%, 71%. In February the most often mentioned institutions among political institutions were law enforcement agencies (24%), ministries (20%), local authorities (18%), courts and judicial system (17%). On average, 15% of assessments/estimates of political institutions are doubtful/implying doubt. They were mostly related to the President (23%) and local authorities – 20%.

It is worth noting that officials and politicians (34%) comment events more often than citizens (30%). This significantly differs from situation in 2011 р., when during all months of monitoring citizens, as a rule, commented events more often compared to politicians. Over the first week of February this was the case only on СТB (39% vs. 27%) and Inter (43% vs. 40%).

Among the political parties the leaders of attention from news programs over the first week of February were opposition in general (9%), BYT-Batkivschyna (7%) and Party of the Regions (6%). Attention to other parties is minimal: CPU - 0.6%, “Svoboda” - 0.4%, “Front Zmin” (Front of Changes) – 0.2%. Negatively ironical coloring of messages more often accompanied information on opposition in general – 2%, while for the Party of the Regions this indicator constituted 1%. Attention to the President Yanukovych constituted 11% (in October 2011 - 17% , in September - 12%); to Y. Tymoshenko – 9%; to the Prime Minister М. Azarov – 7%; to V. Lytvyn – 4%. Overall, 28 politicians are mentioned more than in 1% of news messages. Half of them is assessed/estimated exclusively neutrally. Persons involved in tape scandal in the Parliament, І. Rybakov and R. Zabzlyuk were most often mentioned with negative coloring – 13% and 22% accordingly. Dismissed Minister of Defense, М. Ezhel, has more positive estimates compared to newly appointed D. Salamatin – 16% vs. 9% of positive estimates (in Feb. 2011, М. Ezhel received the largest share of doubtful and negative estimates - 24%).

Data of February monitoring again confirm the general trends towards differentiation of TV channels’ positions, and disproportion in attention and soundbite/sync in favor of ruling power. UT-1 traditionally has the worst indicators. In addition, continued distraction of auditors’ attention from politics to criminal events, accidents and natural disasters is observed.

This monitoring research became possible due to the support of the American people. Monitoring results shall be the exclusive responsibility of the Academy of Ukrainian Press and not necessarily reflect the opinion of USAID and Internews Network.

One of the founders of this monitoring research is International Renaissance Foundation.

Contact persons:

Oksana Voloshenyuk, AUP Director
Tel: +38- 067-504-9802
