Let's plan the academic year together. We invite you to an online presentation of the AUP publications and resources


May is a special month in educational institutions every year. For children, it's a time of summing up, final tests before the long-awaited holidays. Teachers, on the other hand, after completing the reporting documentation, are already planning their preparations for the next academic season, in addition to thinking about the traditional holiday. Each academic year brings new challenges and tasks that require improving existing and acquiring new approaches to teaching. And we want to help you, dear educators of Ukraine, with this!

On 25 May 2023, at 14.00, the Academy of Ukrainian Press in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine will hold an online meeting with teachers of preschool, general secondary, out-of-school, postgraduate pedagogical education, and professional development centers for teachers entitled "Planning the school year with the AUP: media education publications and resources".

Speakers of the event:

Raisa Yevtushenko, Chief Specialist of the Department of Educational Content, Language Policy and Education of National Minorities of the Directorate of Preschool, School, Extracurricular and Inclusive Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, responsible for the introduction of media education in general secondary education;

Maksym Zaporozhchenko, manager of media education programs at AUP, head of the Digital Education and Media Culture Centre at the Mykolaiv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education.

To participate in the event, please register by 22 May inclusive: https://forms.gle/82ioM7wbxQa5vqhd6 .

Duration of the event: 1 hour. A link to the event broadcast will be sent to all those who register.

Please share the information with interested parties and teaching staff.

See you all soon!

