
On September 6 and 7, the Academy of Ukrainian Press held the first webinars in the Media Education Comic Book series:

  • "The Educational Potential of the Comic Book", lecturer Halyna Degtyareva, Head of the Department of Methods of Teaching Languages and Literature at the Kharkiv Academy of Continuing Education, Doctor of Pedagogy, graduate of the 1st AUP Summer School of Media Education, author of numerous manuals and curricula on media education and media literacy for different age groups recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, regional coordinator of media education in educational institutions of the Kharkiv region.
  • "Comics in Science Classes", lecturer Ruslan Shalamov, biology teacher at the Kharkiv Regional Scientific Boarding Lyceum "Giftedness", PhD in Biology, Honored Teacher of Ukraine, author of biology textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science, a series of media education manuals and comics, co-author of the State Standard for Primary and Basic Secondary Education, head of the natural science part of the PISA international study.

- "Comics and Memes in History and Civic Education Classes", lecturer Oleksandr Mokrohuz, Head of the Department of Social Disciplines and Methods of Teaching Them at the Chernihiv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education named after K.D. Ushynsky, Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Co-author of school curricula, textbooks, and teaching aids on civic education, history, and media education recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for secondary schools and pedagogical universities in Ukraine.

Educators and citizens who want to learn more about creative media literacy tools joined the webinar.

Ruslan Shalamov shared: "Our webinar was a great success! We held an exciting online meeting with teachers to discuss the importance of using comics in science education. During the webinar, we discussed how comics can be a powerful tool for capturing students' attention and promoting better learning. Register for other events to learn more about how comics can improve science learning quality!"

Halyna Degtyareva said: "Comics are a great tool for visualizing various issues that surround us in real life and for visualizing educational material. The section "Educational Potential of the Comic Book" that I prepared consists of several subsections: the comic book: the known and the new and the "genealogy" of the comic book. My goal was to show how to analyze comics. Because, as a rule, we often talk about creating a comic book, not analyzing it."

Oleksandr Mokrohuz commented: "When we talk about comics and memes, we have associations with Marvel comics and other major film companies that make movies based on comics. But comics and memes can also be used in the educational process. Thus, the Academy of Ukrainian Press used a comic book to raise a major social issue. I think this will be an innovative project for our education in general. And we will start using them more actively."

You can do so here if you have not yet registered for our webinars.

We also remind you that the media creativity contest "The Magic of the Media Education Comic Book: Draw a sequel with your favourite characters". Hurry up and take part!
