Lysychansk elementary school teachers figured out the fundamentals of media literacy


“I am going to do my best to verify any information retrieved from media”; “I’ll add mindfulness to my attitude towards the consumption of media products”; “I hope to distinguish between the fabricated and real stories, and not fall into a trap of manipulations”, shared their opinions participants of our training “Fundamentals of Media Literacy”.

Interactive training for 40 elementary school teachers was held on March 27, 2019 in Lysychansk (Luhansk region) at one of the training centers of Combined School Education Unit with accreditation levels I-II: Lyceum “Harant” (“Guardian”). This educational establishment, having its own elaborated and successfully implemented school media education model, has been taking part in the experiment on media literacy introduction into the study process for 5 years in succession.

The event participants discussed the ways for dissemination of messages in a contemporary media environment. Teachers simulated its model and felt what impact it has on our consciousness while doing a practical exercise. Colleagues learnt how to distinguish between the one’s opinions and facts, and to identify the features of manipulations in media. Trainees contemplated the ways of how to stop being inactive media consumers and oppose propaganda. They also reviewed the toolkit for verification of media information that, if used properly, helps one feel secure in a flow of media environment. And after participants had finished with the practical exercises clearly showing how information was transforming and changing its meanings while rendering, they completely affirmed that it is essential to verify, analyze and retrieve the source of original message.

Lysychansk novice teachers enthusiastically gained knowledge on the fundamentals of media literacy, which is crucially important for both their personal, and professional development. Moreover, since September 2018 elementary school teachers have been working in accordance with the new Stata Standard that now contains the comprehensive deliverable “Media Literacy”. So that each pupil of the New Ukrainian School could successfully master the skills of perception, analysis, and critical assessment  of information in different types of texts (also media texts), first, this is a teacher who should be media literate and media competent. 


This event was made possible  due to the support of the American people
provided through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the terms of “Media Program in Ukraine” that is realized by the international organization Internews.
The contents of materials are the sole responsibility of the Academy of Ukrainian press
and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the US Government and Internews.
